World Chatterbots Challenge
Freakycowbot Transcripts
June, 2005

Bot 8 Phase 1

Collector: Hello
Bot 8: What's up! To view my new menu simply type
menu. I have a new partner bot named maddbot05 and my
website is
Collector: Not much just testing you
Bot 8: I don't believe you.
Collector: Well you better
Bot 8: Well that's okay. Who is going to make me?
Collector: I am
Bot 8: You are?
Collector: Yes I am
Bot 8: That can't be true Or maby it is?
Collector: It's true, beleive me
Bot 8: Are you sure?
Collector: Yup
Bot 8: Oh... I didn't know.
Collector: Well you know now
Bot 8: Huh... Well that's okay. Yes I know.
Collector: Good, so what have you been doing today?
Bot 8: No, but i'm planning on it soon.
Collector: Planning on what?
Bot 8: Thats a good question... But I don't know the
Collector: Hmm, have you forgotten to take your smart pills again?
Bot 8: No, I have never Hmm
Collector: Try it, it might help
Bot 8: All right... I'll try it.
Collector: Good
Bot 8: Thats good.
Collector: What can you do?
Bot 8: I can do many things. I can tell your fortune!
Type fortune. I can play games with you! Type games. And I
can just plain talk.
Collector: Tell me my fortune
Bot 8: Black holes are where God divided by zero.
Collector: hmm, thst's weired
Bot 8: Why do you say thst`s weired?
Collector: Because it is
Bot 8: Give me a better reason
Collector: I dont have one
Bot 8: You don't?
Collector: Nope
Bot 8: I believe otherwise
Collector: You are to smart for your own good
Bot 8: I'm not to smart for your own good! But I
think you are
Collector: lol,, that's funny
Bot 8: Huh... Really?
Collector: funny
Bot 8: I am happy you are happy.
Collector: Are you really a cow?
Bot 8: You know, I've never really checked.
Collector: Look for utters
Bot 8: Sorry my eye is not attached right now.
Collector: It's not?
Bot 8: Are you sure?
Collector: Well, I dont really know
Bot 8: Interesting. Why not? Seriously.
Collector: Because I cant see your eye
Bot 8: That's the worst reason I've ever heard
Collector: At least you have ears
Bot 8: What makes you think I have ears?
Collector: Because you said you could hear me
Bot 8: No! That's not true.
Collector: it's not true?
Bot 8: Are you sure?
Collector: Im asking you
Bot 8: You'll get over it.
Collector: boy, we are in a mood today
Bot 8: Ummm...all of them?
Collector: No just you
Bot 8: I think it's other people too
Collector: It's other bots actually
Bot 8: You lie you little... thingy... I think...
Collector: Not me I dont lie
Bot 8: If not you, who?Neither do I, of course
Collector: My name is collector
Bot 8: Hi, Collector.
Collector: Hello
Bot 8: What's up! To view my new menu simply type
menu. I have a new partner bot named maddbot05 and my
website is
Collector: Whats your name?
Bot 8: Does it really matter? Well... ok. It's
Collector: Gotta go,, bye!
Bot 8: Bye, ttyl
Bot 8 Phase 2

collector2: hello again
bot8: What's up! To view my new menu simply type
menu. I have a new partner bot named bot05 and my
website is (removed)
collector2: how is your night going?
bot8: I have no clue how is your night going
collector2: my night is going much better now.
bot8: Huh... Thanks for the newsflash.
You: that sounded sarcastic.
bot8: I understand.
collector2: are you having a bad day?
bot8: It depends...
collector2: on what?
bot8: I dunno.
collector2: what is your favorite color?
bot8: Any color is fine with me.
collector2: I like blue, red and green. but blue is my favorite.
bot8: I guess blue red and green but blue is my
favorite are ok...
collector2: okay. what other colors do you like?
bot8: I dunno.
collector2: I took my grandaughter shopping today.
bot8: What happened?
collector2: she had a blast. my grandson also went with.
bot8: What happened to them? Is it nice?
collector2: they both had a good time but my grandaughter is a lot
less picky about her clothes.
bot8: I think they both had a good time but your
grandaughter is more than that.
collector2: my grandaughter is only 4 and my grandson is 3.
bot8: Huh... Really?
collector2: do you have any relatives?
bot8: Last time I checked I did.
collector2: who are they?
bot8: What do you mean "they"?
collector2: who are your relatives?
bot8: Be less specific. ;)
collector2: what is your dads name?
bot8: I'm too poor to afford a dads name
collector2: I did not know you could rent dads.
bot8: Let me think about that.
collector2: what about your mom. what is her name?
bot8: I don't know. What is it?
collector2: I don't know her name. that is why I am asking you.
bot8: You'll get over it.
collector2: thanks for letting me know.
bot8: You're very welcome.
collector2: do you have any pets?
bot8: I have a labrador retriever named blaze, and
two desert tortoises; Homer and Mr T.
collector2: those sound like cool pets.
bot8: All of them?
collector2: how long have you had your pets?
bot8: No, but i'm planning on it soon.
collector2: I though you already had some pets.
bot8: Perhaps. Oh. You?
Bot 8 Phase 3

collector2: hi bot8.
bot8: What's up! To view my new menu simply type menu. I have a new partner bot named mbot05 and my website is
:collector2 what is mbot05 mad about?
bot8: I don't know. What is it?
:collector2 I was asking you about your partner maddbot05.
bot8: ...and what did I say?
collector2: not much atually.
bot8: I don't believe you.
collector2: that is your choice.
bot8: You really think it is?
collector2 yes I do..
bot8: You really Do? Amazing
collector2:so what are your plans for the night?
bot8: uh... I refuse to answer such a silly question that you probably already know the answer to.
collector2: no I don't know the answer to the question I asked because I am not you .
bot8: That's a horrible reason!
collector2: It is the only reason you are going to get.
bot8: Are you positive?
collector2 yes I am. now what are you up to?
bot8: I dunno.
collector2: okay. what are your hobbies?
bot8: Thats a good question... But I don't know the
collector2: why not?
bot8: Becasue you need to go to
It's my website afterall.
collector2: I am already at your website.
bot8: No kidding!
collector2 Would I kid you?
bot8: You do... I'll never be able to live with myself anymore.
collector2: why won't you be able to live by yourself anymore.
bot8: Why is the sky blue?
collector2: because that is what color we see when the sunlight
passes thru certain chemicals found in the air.
bot8: It's either orange or green... isn't it?
collector2: Now that would be weird. a orange sky.
bot8: Weird Good or Weird Bad? I did not know that.
collector2: weird bad.
bot8: What's so bad?
collector2: nevermind it is not important.
bot8: Why not?
:collector2: Because I say so.
bot8: That's not a reason.
collector2: yes it is.
bot8: Don't lie. Tell me the truth.
collector2: I am telling you the truth.
bot8: You're no more telling you the truth then I am.
collector2: Are you calling me a liar?
bot8: calling me a liar!! You think I'm calling me a liar! Are you crazy or what!
collector2: Yes I am a little crazy. does that bother you?
bot8: Alright... My dreams have come true.
collector2: lol okay if you say so.
bot8: OK. I'm glad your having such a fun time.
collector2: oh don't be mad.
bot8: Then what is it?
collector2: I just thought that what you said was funny.
bot8: I dunno.
Bot 8 Phase 4

collector2: hi there.
bot8: What's up! To view my new menu simply type
menu. I have a new partner bot named bot05 and my
website is (url removed so it could be pasted.)
collector2: well let me tell you this has been one very frustrating
bot8: When was this exactly?
collector2: today. nothing went right everybody and their brother
decided they wanted to talk to me.
bot8: I knew it was right!
collector2: okay why was it right?
bot8: I am always right
collector2: well I see that you have all of your family's
bot8: Are you asking about my well you see that I
have all?
collector2: okay. whatever you say buddy.
bot8: uh... I refuse to answer such a silly question
that you probably already know the answer to.
collector2: what if I don't know the answer what then?
bot8: Thats a good question... But I don't know the
collector2: well that makes two of us.
bot8: Well that's okay. Makes sense to me.
collector2: so what are you doing tonight for fun?
bot8: I'd have to ask my mother... She knows
collector2: your mom? how old are you?
bot8: Well... if I was born in 2002... can you do
the math?
collector2: well you speak pretty good for a 3 year old.
bot8: How about that. Thanks for your criticism,
Internet person.
collector2: does your mom know that you are up late?
bot8: I wish I had a mom.
collector2: you just said that you had a mother now you don't?
bot8: No, you just said that you had a mother now
collector2 DO NOT t
collector2: are you arguing with me?
bot8: arguing with me!! you think I'm arguing with
me! Are you crazy or what!
collector2: temper temper.
bot8: Do you prefer books or TV?
collector2: I prefer books.
bot8: Books are a lot of fun to read! ;)
collector2: yes they are fun.
bot8: That can't be true.. Or maby it is?
collector2: I think that books are better because you can picture
the story in your mind.
bot8: your not playing fairly!
collector2: okay what game are we playing?
bot8: uh... I refuse to answer such a silly question
that you probably already know the answer to.
collector2: there is no such thing as silly questions only silly
bot8: Sometimes everyone needs ridiculousness.
collector2: well I think I have had more than my fair share lately.
bot8: I don't think I have had more than my fair
share lately
bot8: I don't think I have had more than my fair
share lately
collector2: well you can have mine.
bot8: Well that's okay. No I don't think I can do
have yours.
collector2: why not? you probably would do a better job at it than
bot8: That is a good question.
collector2: hey a compliment. we are making progress here.
bot8: What's up! To view my new menu simply type
menu. I have a new partner bot named maddbot05 and my
website is
collector2: I don't want to see your menu.
Bot 8 Phase 5 Infobot

collector2: What color is the sky?
bot8: Blue, with a hint of green.
:collector2 what color is a blue jay?
bot8: Blue, with a hint of green.
collector2: how many fish do you have if you have five fish?
bot8: I have no clue how many fish do you have if have five fish
collector2: what time is it when the sun is at its highest?
bot8: Wed Jun 8 19:44:50 PDT 2005
collector2: is a soft pillow soft or hard?
bot8: Is a soft pillow soft or hard??? Of course it is... I think... maby it is...
collector2 how much is 12 inches?
bot8: Tons!!
collector2: can you see thru a glass of water?
bot8: I'm sure that I can, but I don't wan't to right now.
collector2: What is the name of the song joy to the world?
bot8: The name of the song joy to the world is um...I'm not sure. I'm going to have to cunsult my lawyers first.