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Freakycowbot says: "I didn't really say these things"

Download chatterbot AIML from Freakycowbot
Last Updated 07-04-05
Now you can download this chatbot!

If your one of the many creating your very own bot and like the way that Freakycowbot chats and interacts, now's your chance to make your bot like him.
I've put Freakycowbot's main AIML module up for download so all bot creators coding in AIML can benefeit from what I've done. Feel free to use as much or as little of the module as you want. It will require some editing because it includes some lines specifically for Freakycowbot.
If you wish to edit the code w/o an editor for AIML, you can change the extension to .txt and open it in notepad and change it back to .aiml when your done.
If you wish to use an AIML editor, good for you. If you don't have one, you can download an AIML editor here!

The AIML used with Freakycowbot may not work with all AIML bots, this is also true with the AIML editor provided above. Both of these have only been tested with runabot bots, so don't complain to me if it doesn't work with some other kind of bot.

To download this chatbot module just click on one of the two buttons that says download.

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