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Freakycowbot says: "WTF is 1337?"


Last updated: 07/04/05

Here is the current feature list for Freakycowbot. They are subject to change at anytime without notice. To access these features from Freakycowbot simply type menu

Satellite Image-See a satalite image of your house.
Family Guy Tirvia-How well do you know the Family Guy TV show?
Dice-Roll a dice for no reason.
Rock,Paper,Scissors-Can you beat me?
Go Fishing-How many fish can you catch?.
Slots-Welcome to Vegas!.
Sk8Board-Bust out those tricks, but don't get hurt.
Monster park-A text RPG where you are lost in a park filled with monsters and must get out alive!
Hangman-Pick letters and try to figure out the word.
Pet Shop-Get a virtual pet and play with it.
Tic Tac Toe-I am the master at Tic Tac Toe!!
JailBreak-Can you get your friend out of jail?
Magic8ball-I know the answers to everything.
Millionaire-Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Craps-Play a simplified version of the card game Craps.
Hit Bot-I will be your Hit Bot and kill whoever you want.
Snapple Facts-I will randomely quote a fact from a snapple lid.
Play Tag-Play tag with your friends through me.
Fighting RPG-Fight to the death against me!

Weather-Get the weather for where you live
Define-Get the definition of any word
Encyclopedia-Look up anything on the nets best encyclopedia
Search Web-Search for anything on the net
Calculator-Have me do your simple math calculations
Notepad-Store up to 5 notes for yourself untill you need them
Periodic Table-Get info on every element from the periodic table by saying either the name or symbol
Message-Use me to send messages to your friends over AIM
Movie Times-Get the times for movies playing near you
Tell A Friend-Tell your friends about me
Gossip-Pick up the latest gossip, or tell me some
News-Get the latest World News
Email-Send an email to a friend or to my botmaster
Satellite Image-See a satellite Image of your house
Guestbook- Leave a message or read messages that other people left

*note - To access the feature list from Freakycowbot type menu while talking to him. To go directly to a certain feature, type the name in italics.

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